Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Cancer Biology Larix Conferences 2020

3rd International Conference on Cancer Biology and Cell Science
Cancer Biology 2020 | August 28-29, 2020

About Cancer Biology 2020:   
Cancer Biology 2020 is delighted to invite you to attend the cancer conference 2020, one of its remarkable conferences, to be held during August 28-29, 2020 in Singapore, emphasizing on recent areas of more optimized research techniques in cancer biology, cancer biomarkers than by traditional hit and trial method. This Cancer Biology 2020 conference includes a wide range of keynote presentations, oral talks, poster presentations, symposium, workshops, exhibitions, and career development programs.
The Cancer Biology 2020 to be held in Singapore.  The cancer Biology 2020 is a 2-day conference, which will provide the bio-leaders of tomorrow with a comprehensive overview of current and future pharmaceutical trends and issues, inciting discussion about world challenges and treatments in cancer. 

·       Cancer Biology
·       Cancer Diagnosis
·       Cancer Immunotherapy
·       Cancer Biomarkers
·       Translational Oncology
·       Radiation Oncology
·       Cancer Metabolism
·       Cancer Epi-genomics
·       Cancer Inflammation and Immune Tolerance
·       Nanoparticles in Cancer Therapy

Target Audience:
·     Academicians
·     Researchers
·     Oncologists
·     Medical Practitioners
·     Genetic Scientists
·     Radio-oncologists
·     Students
·     Business Delegates
·     Exhibitors and

·     people with keen interest in the research areas of Cancer Research

Saturday, June 29, 2019

What are the initial symptoms of breast cancer?

Tuesday, June 25, 2019

What does the latest research say about vaping marijuana? Does it have an effect on cancer, heart disease, lungs, etc.?

Vaping cannabis is even safer than smoking it, you don’t need any added oils. Vaping gives the same bio-availability as smoking cannabis, though vaping better utilizes the various medicines in cannabis, without the burning plant material or the paper needed for smoking.
So, vaping cannabis is the best way, to use cannabis and as we now know, or should know if they actually published facts, cannabis is the only substance on the planet capable of killing a cancer-stem. I’m not a doctor or scientist but, do trust the information from the cancer biologist in the first short video Barb Weber's answer to Is there a cure for cancer?
So, no cancers, not one, not ever, those societies claiming to be helping patients, like the Canadian Cancer, need to stop running from the only cure for cancer, if you took 23 minutes out of your life and listened to the cancer biologist, you’d know that they studied 30,000 substances and cannabis is the only substance on this planet that can kill a cancer stem-cell.
Now my question to you, why hasn’t this been all over the headlines, instead of snark-bile and terror mongering, over the safest plant, the safest drug in the world.
Vaping cannabis does not cause cancer. Could you add harmful stuff like they use with nicotine, sure, if you wanted to, but it’s not required.
That said, Are all cannabis flowers, cannabis oil and CAD oils safe to vape or smoke? no, you need to avoid harmful pesticides, and fertilizers, and extraction chemicals, so if you’re not growing it yourself, you need to get it from a trustworthy source.

Friday, June 14, 2019

What are the latest advancements in the treatment and cure of cancer in 2019?

Among crucial development in 2019 are:
  • FoundationOne Foundation One test — a single test that analyzes all guideline-recommended genes for solid tumors, including correctional, breast, ovarian, and melanoma. It helps to select the most adequate hypnotherapy for treatment.
  • A new experimental medicine for reticulation, cancer affecting children’s eyes. The medicine is based on VCN-01 oncologist virus, a genetically modified pathogen which attacks and destroys the cancer cells. It is hope for 30% of those who do not respond to conventional therapies.
  • The new drug tisotumab vedotin (TV for short) sneaks into cancer cells and kill them from within. The cancer patients with advanced types or resistant to standard treatments responded to the innovative new drug with their tumors either shrinking or stopping growing. The positive results have moved the drug forward to phase II trials.

Tuesday, June 11, 2019

How are cancer metabolism-based therapies developed?

Targeting metabolism in cancer involves identifying key metabolic pathways that cancer cells are particularly sensitive to and the developing drugs which target proteins in that pathway.
Methotrexate was the first successful drug in leukemia. It is a mimic of fol ate that interferes with fol ate-dependent metabolic pathways critical to nucleoside synthesis.
Haifa is a new drug for leukemia’s bearing mutations in dissociate dehydrogenase. These mutations create a new enzymatic activity which generates a metabolite not normally seen in human cells. This metabolite in turn interferes with an enzyme key to the correct geneticist regulation in the cell. Haifa blocks formation of this rogue metabolite.

Friday, June 7, 2019

If a biomarker dye can make cancer cells light up, why are we having such a hard time targeting them?

Assume by targeting you mean target them for treatment.
Then, human cancer don’t generally come with fluorescent dyes them self. Our cells don’t just glow red and green for fun.
So, problem one: how you put biomakers into your patients cells? You can try to use new tools like CRISP, but human trial is still in its infancy. Or you can try Lox P and other bunch of older tools, but inevitably you have to use some sort of trans infection to get those makers into human cells (cancer cells are human cells too), which is hard, and dangerous. Or you can use small compound markers, but how specific is your marker? Are they toxic?
Problem two: how you target those cancer cells? It’s not like shooting down a range, where you can see, you can shoot. Even you can light up cancer cells using dyes doesn’t guarantee you can point your drug to them. Also, deeply inbreed in the tissues, bio marker byes doesn’t help much. Presumably you have to cut open the covering tissue to see the abnormal color. Rather we use PET and NMR to indirectly see abnormal metabolism of cancers, which doesn’t need surgical procedures.

Friday, May 31, 2019

What’s the difference between small-cell lung cancer and non-small-cell lung cancer?

Small cell and non-small cell is the type of lung cancers. Both cancers affect the lungs but they have several key differences, including how they are treated and their average progression time.
Small cell cancer is true to its name. When viewed under a microscope, the cells of a small cell cancer appear small and round. Non-small cell lung cancer cells are larger in size.
There are several different types of non-small cell lung cancers. These include adenocarcinoma, squamous cell, and large cell carcinoma.
Both small cell and non-small cell lung cancers cause similar symptoms.
Examples of lung cancer symptoms include:
  • appetite loss
  • blood in mucus that has been coughed up
  • chest pain
  • cough that will not go away
  • difficulty swallowing
  • feeling tired for no apparent reason
  • shortness of breath
  • swelling, especially of the face and neck
  • wheezing
According to the University of Virginia Health System, small cell lung cancer is considered the more aggressive cancer when compared to non-small cell cancer.
Small cell cancers typically grow at a faster rate. An estimated 90 percent of small cell cancer patients are diagnosed when the cancer has already spread to nearby lymph nodes or organs.

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

How was bladder cancer diagnosed for the first time?

First of all doctor will check whole body checkup and know you complete medical history. If your doctor feels something is wrong, he’ll prescribe the lab tests or might also send you to see a urologist.
Urine Tests: In urine test, there are a number of things he and other health professionals can look for such as Urinalysis, Urine culture, Urine tumor marker tests.
Colonoscopy: Your doctor will place a colonoscopy through the urethra -the duct that you pee through — and into the bladder. The spectroscope is a thin tube with a light and video camera on the end. Your doctor will inject salt water through the tube and into your bladder. This will allow him to see the inner lining of your bladder with the camera.
Trans urethral Resection of Bladder Tumor (TURBOT): If your doctor finds something that doesn’t look right during your colonoscopy, he’ll take a sample of it (biopsy) to see whether it’s cancer.
During a TURBOT, your surgeon will remove the tumor and some of the bladder muscle near it. They’ll be sent to the lab to check for cancer.

Friday, May 17, 2019

What is the difference between immune-oncology and classic oncology?

 Hypnotherapy (Immune-oncology) drugs, at least today, tend to use antibodies (your body's own defense system) to attack cancer cells. Cancer cells cannot generally be attacked by your own immune system because they are not recognized as a threat. Cancer cells arise from mutations in genes of existing cells in your body and thus are not viewed as foreign. Immune-oncology drugs provide detection of cancerous cells and then your body's system does the rest.Classic oncology drugs could classified into either chemotherapy or targeted therapy. Chemotherapy is a combination of different chemicals that all target rapidly dividing cells in different ways. Since cancer cells are all rapidly dividing, chemotherapy will on average, kill many more of the cancer cells than the other cells in your body. This is also why rapidly dividing cells like hair and skin will die as a side effect of chemotherapyTargeted therapy on the other hand uses drugs that can precisely identify and attack cancer cells while doing little damage to normal cells. The drugs target certain mutations (i.e. HERS in breast cancer) and are much more focused than chemotherapy. Testing for different mutations is important before using targeted therapies because the treatment will only be effective if you have that particular mutation, even if it is the same type of cancer.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         

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Friday, May 10, 2019


What is the scope of Radiation Oncology in India in the next 10 years?

Cancer incidence in India is less than in the West per 100000 population. With the given increase in pollution, lifestyle changes and increased awareness and diagnostic modalities it is likely to only increase.
Oncology is a multi-modality specialty and hence the role of surgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy in treatment of cancer will only refine and increase with time.
With the advent of refined modalities of Radiotherapy wherein, more conformity is achieved, the role will increase.
Added to it, conservative management as against morbid surgery will find more and more acceptance as results improve.
Therefore, in my opinion radiotherapy modalities like IMRT, IGRT, SRS and IORT will come up as time passes and results improve. Only caveat is spectacular development of targeted molecular therapy which may reduce the need for time consuming and more toxic radiotherapy.
And in India we have a long way to go before we reach a level of enough availability of this expensive modality. Hence, there is a lot of scope for this specialty in next 10 years to come.