Tuesday, May 21, 2019

How was bladder cancer diagnosed for the first time?

First of all doctor will check whole body checkup and know you complete medical history. If your doctor feels something is wrong, he’ll prescribe the lab tests or might also send you to see a urologist.
Urine Tests: In urine test, there are a number of things he and other health professionals can look for such as Urinalysis, Urine culture, Urine tumor marker tests.
Colonoscopy: Your doctor will place a colonoscopy through the urethra -the duct that you pee through — and into the bladder. The spectroscope is a thin tube with a light and video camera on the end. Your doctor will inject salt water through the tube and into your bladder. This will allow him to see the inner lining of your bladder with the camera.
Trans urethral Resection of Bladder Tumor (TURBOT): If your doctor finds something that doesn’t look right during your colonoscopy, he’ll take a sample of it (biopsy) to see whether it’s cancer.
During a TURBOT, your surgeon will remove the tumor and some of the bladder muscle near it. They’ll be sent to the lab to check for cancer.

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